Sunday, December 23, 2018

Hymn to Nature

"Nature, we are by her surrounded and embraced.
Powerless to step outside her bounds,
And powerless to enter more deeply in.

Uninvited and unprepared
She takes us into the circling of her dance
And drives us with her on,
Until we begin to tire
And fall away from her arms.

She creates ever new forms;
All is renewed and still as of old.

She builds ever and destroys ever;
She lives in endless children,
And the mother, where is she?

She is the unique artist…
She acts a play…
There is eternal living, becoming and moving in her;
She is ever in transformation
And there s not a moment stagnation in her.

Her tread is measured,
Her exceptions rare,
Her laws unchangeable.

She has premeditated , and considers steadfastly.

Human beings are all in her and she in all."
She is kind. She is wise and still.
She is whole and yet ever uncompleted.

To each she appears in a particular shape.
She conceals herself in a thousand names.
And is always the same.

She has drawn me in;
She will lead me out again.
I trust myself to her.

All has been spoken by her,
For all she is to blame.
Everything is her due.

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