Saturday, March 11, 2017

Transmuted Symbols

"The physical object, to me, 
is merely a stepping stone
to an inner world where the object,
with the help of the subconscious drives 
and focuses perceptions,
becomes transmuted into 
a symbol whose life is beyond the
life of the objects we know."

- Clarence J. Laughlin (1905 - 1985)

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Mysterious Reality

"We know that behind every image revealed there is another image more faithful to reality, and in the back of that image there is another, and yet another behind the last one, and so on, up to the true image of that absolute, mysterious reality that no one will ever see."

- Michelangelo Antonioni (1912 - 2007)

Sunday, March 05, 2017

Soul of Objects

"Nature is not matter only,
she is also spirit.
Spirit seems to be the
 inside of things...
the soul of objects."

- C. G. Jung (1875-1961)

Friday, March 03, 2017

Quiet Mind

"When the mind is
very quiet, 
completely still,
when there is not a movement 
of thought and therefore no experience,
no observer, then that very stillness 
has its own creative understanding.
In that stillness the mind is 
transformed into something else."

- Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895 - 1986)

Thursday, March 02, 2017

Things Unknown

"There are things known
and there are things unknown,
and in between are
the doors of perception" 

Aldous Huxley (1894-1963)

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Symbolic Universe

"No longer in a merely physical universe,
man lives in a symbolic universe.

Language, myth, art and religion
are parts of this universe.

They are varied threads which
weave the symbolic net,
the tangled web of human experience.

No longer can man confront reality immediately;
he cannot see it, as it were, face to face.
Physical reality seems to recede in proportion
as man's symbolic activity advances.

Instead of dealing with the things
themselves man is in a sense
constantly conversing with himself.

He has so enveloped himself in
linguistic forms, in artistic images,
in mythical symbols or religious rites that he
cannot see or know anything except by
the interposition of this artificial medium."

Ernst Cassirer
Philosopher (1874 - 1945)

Monday, February 27, 2017

Inevitability of Art

"Art need not be intended.

It comes inevitably as 
the tree from the root,
the branch from the trunk, 
the blossom from the twig.

None of these forget the present in 
looking backward or forward.

They are occupied fully with the 
fulfillment of their own existence."

- Robert Henri (1865-1929)