Thursday, January 21, 2016

Nothing to Add, Nothing to Take Away

"In anything at all,
perfection is finally attained
not when there is no longer
anything to add,
but when there is no longer
anything to take away."

(1900 - 1944)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Process, Emergence, and Autopoiesis

"I guess I've had only one question all my life. Why do emergent selves, virtual identities, pop up all over the place creating worlds, whether at the mind/body level, the cellular level, or the transorganism level? This phenomenon is something so productive that it doesn't cease creating entirely new realms: life, mind, and societies. Yet these emergent selves are based on processes so shifty, so ungrounded, that we have an apparent paradox between the solidity of what appears to show up and its groundlessness. That, to me, is a key and eternal question."

(1946 - 2001)