Thursday, March 03, 2016

Deep Infinity

“Deep, deep infinity! 


O dream away from the 
tensions of daily living; 
to sail over a calm sea at 
the prow of a ship,
toward a horizon that always recedes;
to stare at the passing waves and listen to
their monotonous soft murmur;
to dream away into unconsciousness ..."

- M.C. Escher (1898-1972)

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Hidden Meaning

"Everything in the world has
a hidden meaning. . . .
Men, animals, trees, stars,
they are all hieroglyphics.
When you see them you
do not understand them.
You think they are really men,
animals, trees, stars.
It is only years later
that you understand."

(1883 - 1957)