After a summer/fall filled with a major personal loss (my mom, who passed away at 86 in Sep), a kitchen renovation (that necessitated a several month long stay at a hotel to get away from dust and noise), intense weekend-long musing/writing sessions to stow away a cache of material to prepare for the on-line photography workshop I led in Oct/Nov (which I enjoyed thoroughly; see previous blog entry), and new "day job" duties (that include weekly podcasts on artificial intelligence), I have much catching up to do on this blog. For my followers, thank you for your patience while my attention was diverted elsewhere. Regular blog entries will resume shortly. A major part of my catching-up also involves - finally! - revamping my long neglected web gallery, the first incarnation of which I published some 20 years ago, but to which I have, embarrassingly, added nothing for the last 10. And so, as a step towards getting back to at least a semblance of normalcy, and without further adieu, I hereby christen a significantly updated (and more Zen-like "simple") design and address (see link under screenshot above).