Sunday, March 09, 2025

Deep Interlock

"In a surprisingly large number of cases, living structures contain some form of interlock: situations where centers are 'hooked' into their surroundings. This has the effect of making it difficult to disentangle the center from its surroundings. It becomes more deeply unified with the world and with other centers near it.
The center and its surroundings interpenetrate each other, using intermediate centers which belong to both of two adjacent larger centers.
The principle creates fusion and connection at an enormous number of scales in the physical world, from the largest regional scale to the tiniest physical detail.
We may say that each major entity in a living structure must contain references (shapes, structures, colors, motifs, reflections) of the other major elements, so that each element is somehow also within the other elements."

Christopher Alexander (1936 - 2022)
Nature of Order

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