Thursday, March 17, 2016

Becoming Never Ends in Being

“All mortals, being in the process of coming-to-be
and passing away, appear as phantoms 
and uncertain apparitions of themselves.

No one can step twice into the same stream, 
nor touch a living object twice in the same condition.

In swift and repeated change, 
things disperse and gather again; 
not in temporal succession, 
but in substance only they come together 
and flow away, approach and depart.

So it is that becoming never ends in being.” 

(c. 540 - c. 480 BCE) 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Faculty Superior to Reason

“You ask, how can we know the Infinite?
I answer, not by reason.

It is the office of reason 
to distinguish and define. 
The infinite, therefore, cannot be 
ranked among its objects. 

You can only apprehend the
 infinite by a faculty superior to reason,
by entering into a state in which 
you are your finite self no longer,
in which the divine essence 
is communicated to you. 

This is ecstasy. 
It is the liberation of your mind 
from its finite consciousness. 

Like can only apprehend like; 
when you thus cease to be finite,
you become one with the infinite.

In the reduction of your 
soul to its simplest self,
its divine essence, 
you realize this union -  this identity.” 

(1878 - 1947)