writes upon the sky."
- Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931)
- Georgia O'Keeffe (1887 - 1986)
- John Ruskin (1819 - 1900)
Note. The photos in this post are all "quick grabs" using my iPhone while I was in Colorado on a recent day-job-related trip. While I did not have any other cameras with me (knowing I would have next to zero time for "real" photography), my iPhone sagely reminds me that images - and the gentle solace of photography - are truly everywhere, even amidst otherwise decidedly non-photography-related day-job activities. One does not stop being a photographer just because one is without a camera! The three images below were all captured within a few moments of each other while I was lounging at an Admirals club waiting for a connecting flight back home.
- Ludmila Uliţkaia (1943 - )
""Forms acquire meaning for us
only because we recognize in them
the expression of a sentient (fühlend) soul.
Spontaneously, we animate
(beseelen) every object.
- Heinrich Wölfflin (1864 - 1945)
- Georges Cuvier (1769 - 1832)